29 September 2006

The search is on

A reader asks if anyone knows where, in the greater Vancouver area, one can find the following:

1) unbaked frozen croissants (cholov stam is fine) - large or small quantity

Le Bon Croissant makes unbaked frozen products, which are COR certified. We are currently waiting for a response to our inquiry about where to purchase their products.

2) solid pack canned pumpkin (for baking) - not to be confused with pumpkin pie filling.

Anyone? COR has a few canned pumpkins listed on their site, but tracking them down? *shudder* We suggest calling IGA, Safeway, Superstore, Choices, Capers, Whole Foods, etc. In the meantime, if any of our 3 readers know where solid pack canned pumpkin is available, please drop a comment or an email. Thanks!