23 February 2006

Miscellaneous: BC Kosher's new website

is up and running!

There is still a bit of information to be put up, but we like the new look. Hopefully, pages for those keeping kosher (as opposed to strictly commercial ventures) will be forthcoming, as well.

Check it out at www.bckosher.org and send them your feedback - which you can now easily do from their site!

13 February 2006

Miscellaneous:They call it "The Whys and the Cows"

Young Israel of Richmond is hosting a series of classes entitled,

Kosher! The Whys and the Cows.

The first few classes have already occurred, but there are still a few to catch. Particularly interesting to us are the Sushi class, "So-Ko-Shur Sushi" on February 28 and a special class on March 6 with Rabbi Teitelbaum, formerly with BC Kosher and now of the Ottawa Vaad.

Check out the series information (scroll down to get to the series information). Hurry up and register!

09 February 2006

Miscellaneous:Tu B'Shvat

For Tu B'Shvat, here's information from Kashrut.com on fruits and nuts - which need hechshers and which don't.

Chag "Tzomeach"*!

*courtesy of Kaluach.net